about me
I was born on 19th September 1965 in Castel San Pietro Terme in the province of Bologna (Italy), the charming town where I live, just a short drive from Bologna and the Adriatic Sea.
I have been working as a freelancer in the information and communication sector since 2000 and, since 2005, have been President of Rizomedia Srl, an ISO 9001-certified company founded by journalists that specialises in media relations for businesses, regional bodies and political-associative organisations. I have been a member of the Italian Order of Journalists since 1991, a professional journalist since 2004 and am a member of both the Italian Association of Political and Public Affairs Consultants (AICOP) and the Italian Agribusiness, Tourism and Environment Press Association (ARGA). I manage several house-organ publications and am a consultant to businesses and public figures. Since 2011 I have worked with renowned psychiatrist and sociologist Paolo Crepet for whom I promote seminars and conferences for families, teachers and businesspersons.
My parents were craftspeople and I continued the family tradition by obtaining a diploma in mechanics at the Technical-Industrial Institute. However, while still at High School I fell in love with journalism, and on Sundays handled the press reviews for a private radio station. After completing military service in the Army Commissariat special corps (discharged with the rank of Sergeant) I initially worked in my father’s workshop before moving to a large, internationally important cooperative that is a leader in the shop furnishing and large-scale retail sector: here I became special projects manager, coordinating a team of designers employed by the Italian and Overseas Sales Management. Later on I started attending, without completing it, a Communication Sciences course at the University of Urbino.
Every year I invest considerable resources in professional training and upgrading by attending courses with world-class trainers. For example, I attended the “Science of Persuasion” course held by Prof. Robert Cialdini (Arizona State University), a corporate communication and sales course with Carmine Gallo at Upw 2014 and the Business Mastery 2014 course held by Anthony Robbins Research International.
For more than a decade I have, as a second job, worked for a long-standing weekly in Imola, a town world-famous for its “Enzo and Dino Ferrari” race track. I was one of Italy’s first Internet users: since 1995/96 I have run several web blogs and communities and worked with numerous Italian publications in the economics and tourism sectors. These include: SOLE 24ORE-CENTRONORD, PANORAMA TRAVEL and TERRE DEL VINO. In 2000 I began working as a press officer for businesses, associations and consortiums.
In 2005, after a 5-year period as a freelancer, I established Rizomedia. Our clients include: business associations, Town and City Councils, public/private societies, race circuits and other tourism-sport facilities, international businesses, technological innovation centres, agribusiness companies, Credito Cooperativo banks plus candidates in national and local elections (all elected). I also have experience as a ‘spin-doctor’ and in ghost-writing. I am often a guest speaker at schools and on professional training courses for small-medium size businesses.
In 2008 I won First Prize at the international journalism competition organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara (a World Heritage city) with an article on Tourism, Wine and Food, published in the Italian magazine TuttoTurismo.
In 1996 I supervised the publication of a comic-strip book dedicated to the young musicians’ movement in my local area. In 2013 I published Il Valore delle persone (The Value of People), a history of Confartigianato, an association of businesses in Bologna and Imola for which I am also an advisor. In 2013 I handled a research project entitled Autodromo di Imola, risorsa per il turismo (The Imola Racetrack: a resource for tourism).
Other skills
Music is an essential part of my life. I have played the electric bass guitar since I was 15 and have striven to improve my technique continuously. I play in a quartet, a true “musical team” that includes a manager, an IT entrepreneur and an authentic musical genius. In 1999 I attended the seminar “Modern composition techniques” held by maestro Elio Polizzi, director of the Philharmonic Academy of Bologna, at their Rome branch.
My name is Massimo “Max” Calvi. I was born on September 1965 in Castel San Pietro Terme in the province of Bologna (Italy), the charming town where I live, just a short drive from Bologna and the Adriatic Sea. I am professional Coach ACC-ICF and member of the Italian Order of Journalists since 1991. I am consultant to businesses and public figures, entrepreneur, former and speaker… and bass-player.

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